Mourning into Dancing


“You have turned my mourning into dancing.” (Psalm 30:11)

This is the June sermon series based on the Psalms of lament. Lament is defined as “a passionate expression of grief or sorrow” (Oxford Dictionary) and “to express sorrow, mourning, or regret for often demonstratively” (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart say that Psalm of lament are psalms “whereby an individual or a group express grief before the Lord and make appeal for help.” The book of Psalm has 150 psalms divided into five books; there are more than sixty psalms of lament. We notice in these psalms that in lamenting we can be drawn into a more intimate relationship with God and thus develop a stronger trust in him. Invariably, the psalms of lament lead to worship. We must embrace the idea that it’s OK to mourn, because then we find comfort in a great and loving God.

Here are the psalms for the sermons in June:

  • June 7: Psalm 7
  • June 14: Psalm 44
  • June 21: Psalm 102
  • June 28: Psalm 130

Make sure you join us online and, starting June 21, in person (limited to specific number of people and in compliance with provincial guidelines for places of worship) for this new sermon series.