
Psalm 6
1 How Long, oh Lord?

This is the first sermon in the lent series called We Are Not Alone based on the penitential psalms. The first ten minutes of the sermon are the introduction to the series and this first sermon starts right after.

In Psalm 6 David makes five petitions of the Lord while aware that the suffering he is experiencing is God's discipline for sin. His first petition is for God not to discipline him in anger or wrath. The psalmist also appeals to God's covenant love as a reason for the discipline to be commensurate to his sin and not beyond. David concludes with a note of confidence; "The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer" (Psalm 6:9). 

Like the other penitential psalms, here we are encouraged to be honest with God when confessing our sins and confident in knowing God hears our prayers. The sermon offers three actions we can take in response to the message.